What are Permanent Bridges?

Permanent Bridges are made of natural, tooth-colored materials. In the gifted hands of Dr. Granovsky, it is possible to seamlessly replace a tooth lost by disease or injury. A dental bridge is a device used to fill the space where a tooth is missing. Typical permanent bridges consist of a pontic (a filler tooth) that is attached to two surrounding abutments (dental crowns).

Once complete, this dental bridge structure is bonded into the mouth. Without the use of a dental bridge, a space in the mouth from a missing tooth can cause other teeth to shift, leading to occlusion (biting) and/or jaw problems and may spur periodontal disease. Dental bridges safeguard the integrity of existing teeth and help maintain a healthy, vibrant smile.

Permanent Bridges   Permanent Dental Bridges for Teeth

Are you tired of your removable partial dentures? Ever thought about how great it would be to have your permanent teeth back again? Permanent bridges will do just that! Brush them, floss them and take care of them just like your natural teeth!

If you’d like to learn more about permanent bridges or other options to replace missing teeth call our Dedham, Massachusetts dental office today at (781) 329-4545. One of our friendly dental team members will always be ready to speak with you.

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