What’s in Your Water? Fluoride?

“Even bottled water that is basically tap water in fancy packaging is micro-filtered, a process that can remove fluoride.”

A product that most people consider to be healthy is actually causing an increase in dental cavities among children and many adults. So what’s to blame? Many experts believe it is bottled water. While the large majority of us know the dangers of drinking sugar-loaded soft drinks and their sneaky cousins, the “sports drink,” we often fail to remember that bottled water is replacing the fluoride-fortified tap water that exists in most locations in North America. The Center for Disease Control details that bottled water has become so prevalent in the diets of Americans that many of them are not getting the proper amount of fluoride they need to keep their teeth healthy.

Most Tap Water Contains FluorideAccording to the International Bottled Water Association (sounds like a pretty crazy group!) – bottled water consumption has recently doubled, and the average American now drinks an average of thirty gallons per year! Believing that it is healthier, many parents are not only having their kids drink more bottled water, they are preparing baby formula with it, too! Even bottled water that is basically tap water in fancy packaging is micro-filtered, a process that can remove fluoride.

At Smile Design Dental Team it is our mission to keep your smile beautiful and your teeth cavity-free. Drinking fluoride-fortified tap water instead of bottled water whenever possible will not only save you money and keep millions of plastic bottles out of landfills, it can also help you keep your teeth and gums healthy!

If you have questions about fluoride or any other dentistry-related topic – including tooth decay prevention, periodontal disease prevention or the latest ways to achieve a healthy, beautiful smile – please contact us today at (781) 329-4545. We look forward to seeing you smile!

Dr. Sveta Granovsky is a Dedham, MA Cosmetic Dentist serving patients in Dedham, Newton, Brookline, Needham, Dover, West Roxbury, Boston and the Greater South Boston MA area.

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